

Improve Your Hair By Improving Your Life

If this seems a bit dramatic to you, though, you probably want to do everything you can to keep and enhance the hair you have.

Luckily, all the things you can do to have healthy hair, such as ample rest and exercise and a nutritious diet, also help you have a longer and healthier life.

Read on to learn how you can improve your hair by improving your life.Start out your hair care regimen by eating a healthful whole foods diet of fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein sources and whole grains.

Take a good multi-vitamin every day that contains plenty of B and C vitamins, folic acid and biotin.

These are excellent for encouraging the growth of healthy hair, skin and nails.

Drink lots of pure filtered water to stay properly hydrated and to flush toxins from your system.

Take advantage of antioxidants, such as green tea to battle free radicals and avoid cancer.

After all, there is no surer way to lose your hair than to undergo chemotherapy!

Add healthful oils, such as fish oil, cod liver oil, flaxseed, olive, sunflower and grapeseed oils to your diet.

All of these work to give you healthy skin and hair and to keep your arteries clean and your joints working smoothly.

Meditate, practice yoga or just unwind with a good book and some quiet music.

Only a few minutes of stress reduction daily can help you improve your life significantly.

The less stress you experience, the less cortisol your system produces, the more likely you will be to avoid heart attack, stroke and stress related hair loss.

Be sure to rejuvenate with ample, high-quality sleep every night.

Some people like to get their sleep all at once.

Others prefer to split it up with a short siesta during the day and a longer sleep at night.

Honor your circadian rhythms by making sleep a priority and establishing your schedule in such a way that you can get the best quality of sleep.

Every aspect of your life will benefit from this.

Worrying about hair loss is like quenching your thirst with a glass of sand!Make the most of the hair you have by keeping it nicely trimmed and clean.

Eat well, sleep well and enjoy the truly important aspects of your life.

The condition of your hair is a side effect of the condition of your life.

If you take good care of yourself and enjoy the best life you can, your hair will look the best it can.

More importantly, you will not have the time or the desire to be concerned about your